Circuit II $30 per class From $10 per visit with Monthly Intelligent Movement Class pass A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
MS Specific Circuit $25 per class From $10 per visit with Monthly Intelligent Movement Class pass A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
This class is designed for the client who has multiples sclerosis or other related neuromuscular diseases that compromise muscular stability and strength, balance and posture, efficiency of gait, and overall physical endurance. It will be instructed with care using the latest research to maintain a safe environment, yet encourage each client to work towards maintaining physical and emotional wellness so they may participate more easily in their lives.
Yamuna Ball Rolling $25 per class From $10 per visit with Monthly Intelligent Movement Class pass A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
Yamuna Body Rolling (YBR) is a form of self-myofascial release done using specially designed balls of varying sizes and densities to achieve optimal length and strength in your muscles and fascia to help you achieve ideal alignment.
Our weekly group class is open to both beginning and experienced students alike who are seeking body sustainability. Body sustainability is simply the ability to work on yourself anytime, anywhere, forever; granting you independence and freedom to handle maintaining your body from tissue breakdown and myofascial restrictions yourself.
YBR is a great compliment to all the training offered at Pinnacle, as it will help to optimize your alignment and thus improve your performance and efficiency of movement. It's Health, Fitness and Massage rolled into one!
Our weekly group class is open to both beginning and experienced students alike who are seeking body sustainability. Body sustainability is simply the ability to work on yourself anytime, anywhere, forever; granting you independence and freedom to handle maintaining your body from tissue breakdown and myofascial restrictions yourself.
YBR is a great compliment to all the training offered at Pinnacle, as it will help to optimize your alignment and thus improve your performance and efficiency of movement. It's Health, Fitness and Massage rolled into one!
Garuda Movement I $30 per class From $10 per visit with Monthly Intelligent Movement Class pass A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
Garuda is a holistic, organic approach to
movement which concentrates on flow and rhythm. It has the clarity and
mindfulness of Pilates as its core, the economy of form of Alexander Technique,
the self-perception of Feldenkrais, the spirituality of yoga and the joy of
Garuda Movement II $30 per class From $10 per visit with Monthly Intelligent Movement Class pass A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
Garuda is a holistic, organic approach to movement which concentrates on flow and rhythm. It has the clarity and mindfulness of Pilates as its core, the economy of form of Alexander Technique, the self-perception of Feldenkrais, the spirituality of yoga and the joy of dance.
This class is for individuals who have had an introduction to Garuda Movement and want to take their practice forward.
This class is for individuals who have had an introduction to Garuda Movement and want to take their practice forward.
Zoom Garuda Movement (Online) $30 per class From $10 per visit with Monthly Intelligent Movement Class pass A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
Better Breathing $30 per class From $10 per visit with Monthly Intelligent Movement Class pass A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
A “combined
technique” class to prevent and recover the lungs from Covid-19 and other
restrictions preventing oxygenation of the system. As a preventative approach,
the class will provide techniques to increase diaphragmatic efficiency,
increase Vagal function, improve posture, and allow the body to efficiently
utilize oxygenation for improved immune system and function. It is good for
everyone! This class is easily attended virtually each week!
Zoom Better Breathing (Online) $30 per class From $10 per visit with Monthly Intelligent Movement Class pass A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
Clients will need a stool, mat, chair, pillows and 4" yellow balls for Zoom Better Breathing Class.
Vocalization/Sound Movement Class Free From $10 per visit with Monthly Intelligent Movement Class pass A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
This class will begin with gentle release of fascia, resulting in rehydration of tissue, followed by vocalizations and movements to integrate, resonate, and revive! Our bodies are 80-90% water and light, thus able to resonate with sound and frequencies. Come experience the rejuvenating results within the body/mind/spirit/heart when combining movement and sound vocalizations coming from deep inside and shared in a group experience. It is truly enlightening!