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$35 per class Purchase required to enroll

APRIL 13 1:00-3:00 $35

Garuda is a blend of movement techniques which incorporates the principles of Pilates, the flow and dynamism of dance, some breathing and postures of yoga, and philosphies of Tai Chi. It can take you to a deeper inner connection through the stimulation of all the fascia trails in your body. Movements are built from smaller to bigger ones, from the extremities to the center, allowing the client to experience warmth and rhythm through the sequence of it.

Breathing and its great physiological response to the systems is an amazing plus for it improves organs’ motility and their consequently better functionality, helping the breaking through of any energetic blockages that bring uneasiness and dysfunction to the body in any level. Body, Mind and Spirit integration are greatly benefitted and should be experienced by anyone who is willing to live in a higher physical endurance, emotional balance, and spiritual connection to a higher consciousness.

Garuda chair is a great approach as it gives anyone the possibility to experience movement through slower building strength, balance and load as we move on into Garuda Standing work. It is also a way to help people limited by age and those facing injuries or movement restrictions to heal in a gentler way. The Class sequence will be as it follows: Rooting Through the Feet and Body Mapping, Breath, Centering and Footwork, Establishing Arm and Leg work, Warrior Series Intro and Self Massage (Lymph Flow).

What does Garuda offer?

Improved strength and flexibility, core activation and alignment, a deeper mind-body connection, and effective rehabilitation. The method combines elements from yoga, Pilates, dance, and functional training. The method stretches the fascia, increases joint flexibility, and opens spaces between the joints. The psychological effects are as apparent as the physical results. Lightness, peacefulness, and increased energy are typical outcomes. If you look for a Garuda instructor in the United States, you will find one instructor in Salt Lake City with the rest scattered along the West and East Coasts. Garuda is an exercise program created by James D’Silva in his London Garuda Studios. Naira Dakik, one of our very own, trained with him in London and most recently in Denver. Go to www.thegaruda.net for more! “Where Pilates ends, Garuda begins. Holistic, organic, dynamic—Garuda is the hybrid that is revolutionizing our approach to fitness.”
